
Compatibility with standards

All pages comply with the Accessibility Guidelines or General Principles of Accessible Design established by the WAI Working Group belonging to the W3C.

Specifically, this website complies with the Web Accessible Content Guidelines 1.0, level A.

All pages have been created according to the W3C XHTML 1.0 Recommendation for web development with semantic and structured markup.

The presentation layer has been developed under the W3C Recommendation on Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 (CSS2).

To learn how these standards affect the accessibility of a website, you can read Dive Into Accessibility, an excellent resource that explains, with examples, how these guidelines help a group of users with limitations when browsing the web.


Most links whose text does not fully describe the destination have title attributes with an explanation.

When possible, links are written in a way that makes sense out of context. Some browsers (such as JAWS, Home Page Reader, Lynx, and Opera) can extract the list of links from the current page and allow the user to navigate from this list. With this in mind, links are not duplicated, and if they are, it is because they access the same content.

No javascript pseudo-links: All links can be followed in any browser, even if javascript is disabled.


The visual design has been done using CSS. If the browser or browsing device does not support style sheets, the content of the website is still fully readable thanks to its structural markup.